I am a single woman, who unfortunately has to live off of food stamps for the time being. I am very grateful to have them, don't get me wrong. It has been very humbling, needless to say. I think I get a pretty generous amount being single,. $200 a month. And you know what folks, I am able to eat very nicely and healthy. They don't limit what you can buy except for hot prepared foods. BFD, I say.
Without going into boring detail, they screwed up my allotment for last month, so this month I had an extra $100 to spend and I spent it wisely, stocking up my pantry so I am not tempted to eat crappy food and cook. I am prone to shopping ADD, hell I have ADHD, but anyway, so I decided to chose one cusine to focus on for the month so I wouldn't end up with ingredients for Asian, Mexican and Italian food and have nothing to make. This month it was Italian, and just now I had a great salad of mixed greens with tonno tuna (chicken of the sea) and some wine vinegar. Healthy, and I have enough for two more salads, plus some tuna to eat tomorrow.
What I am getting at is, if you are like me, don't think because you are on the man's tab you have to eat shitty food. Shop wisely, use coupons, and eat healthy!
Food Stamps and Dieting
Idiot Eating
Ooh lookie what the celebrities are doing to lose weight! True or not, you'd have to be crazy to expect to look like a celeb unless you have a posse of chefs, coaches, and a shit ton of $.
New Year New Crazy Diets
What I love about the New Year is that:
A. Everyone and their mother is on a diet
B. Every magazine on the racks has a least one diet article
C. Celeb magazines are packed with "celebrity diet secrets" i.e. "I don't eat anything but fries, but I have a trainer who works out with me 5 hrs a day, 7 days a week!"
D. Stupid celebrity workout tapes abound. Like Kendra from "Girls Next Door" plueez
I plan to glean some of this deliciousness and share with you in the upcoming weeks. If you have seen some diet craziness of late, feel free to share in the comments.
Turkey Time
I've read a lot of articles telling you how many calories are in a slab of pumpkin pie and that the infamous marshmallow yams are just death among us. These articles also advise what and what not to eat.
You know what I say. Thanksgiving is ONE DAY. One day does not make for diet ruin, it is the days following. Call me crazy, cause I am, but I say pig out on Turkey Day and just deny plates of leftovers, or give yours away to prevent midnight noshing. Stay on track after thanksgiving and then come Christmas and Hannukah or Festivus you can do the same.
Now there are cocktail parties and whatnot, those are death traps and perhaps fill up before you go out.
But the bottom line is enjoy yourself, don't be a party pooper. You don't have to eat till you have to unbuckle your pants, but even if you do, don't beat yourself up. Just get on the diet train the next morning.
I'm sure there will be plenty of naysayers, but just like any diet "failure" you have two choices-1.to continue to give up or 2. accept you fell of the wagon and hop back on.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by
Betty Badass
Labels: Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Diet, Turkey Diet, Yams
Flabby and Gabby
Not just any drugs, but mood stabilizers.
Before I proceed, I think it is important, even on this diet blog to stop the stigma that comes along with mental illness. Just like being fat, people judge. Those people suck.
I won't go into the gory details, but I was diagnosed as bipolar after years of being diagnosed with major depression, anxiety and ADHD. The ADHD diagnosis was great for some time as well, Adderall is just glorified speed and I was oh so thin then, but it also made me go off my rocker.
But being diagnosed also put a lot of stuff in perspective about my eating habits--like binge eating. I've never been a purger, but I'd binge like a motherfucker. I'd also go on sprees of buying stuff out of my budget like caviar and lobster, when in reality, my budget is chicken and salad.
Bipolar or as also known as manic depression is often treated with mood stabilizers, antipsychotics instead of your basic antidepressants. Now antidepressants can, from my experience, also exacerbate weight gain. The drugs I am currently on are notorious for causing weight gain.
The irony is, that now that I am feeling better, and more stable than I have been in my entire life I am also eating healthier and because of my debacle I do not have a car, so I walk a lot. Walking in 100 degree heat and yet, my weight is at a plateau. Also riding my bike a bit. But that all said, people have commented that I look great--obviously it is from my demeanor not my ass.
So what am I getting at here is if you, like me, suffer from any mental health issue, stay on your meds, don't let a couple of pounds stop you from being healthy in the head. I did express concern about my weight with my psychiatrist and she prescribed an adjuct medicine that is aparrently stopping some of the evil side effects from drug number 1 like craving sugar, night eating. So look at your crazy meds as I call them like you would if you had, say diabetes, you need to take them ever day, side effects be damned. It is a lifelong battle.
Whether you are trying to lose ten pounds or 500, I think it is essential to also look into the mental aspects of why you may have problems with weight.
I am going to be touching on this further as I have been reading and learning a bit about various foods that purport to help with various woes of the head. Some seem legit and some seem like bullshit. I also know I am not alone. So no matter what your malady is, know that there are other folks out there like you even tough it may not feel that way.
PS. I have some good summer recipes coming up!
Posted by
Betty Badass
Labels: binging, bipolar, depression, mental health, overeating
Crazy Diet Confession
I need to fess up.
Like-Minded Diet Blogger & BS "Sprinkle Diet"
Not only do I keep my own diet blog, but I read a lot of other diet blogs out there. I recently came across "Put The Fork Down," and like myself she knows behind the hype there are a lot of scams out there, her post on SENSA particularly piqued my interest. Somehow, perhaps since I've canceled subscriptions and turned off the tube, this current shitty phenomenon didn't blip on my radar.
Why Yes, I Am Giving Birth To 30 Pounds of Fat, or Dumb People Suck
Just a short break from the usual humor on this blog. Do note as I write, I'm about 30 lbs from my goal weight.
Absentmindedness Yields Yummy Diet Treat
I am the world's most absent-minded person or more accurately, the poster child for ADHD. I have on more than one occasion "lost' my cellphone in the refrigerator. I have even gone looking for my phone while it was in my very hands. Thankfully I have a sense of humor, or otherwise I would be still in hiding from the day I went to work with one regular low-top black Converse Chuck Taylor on one foot, and a one PLATFORM knock-off of the same shoe. I thought that I had an inner-ear infection from the imbalance until I looked down.
Interrupting This Diet Blog
I told my boyfriend I'd post a link to his blog with resources about the swine flu.
Goop? More Celebrity Detox Advice
Gwyneth Paltrow, if you haven't heard, has fancied herself a lifestyle Guru and has started a website called "Goop." But, you're here to read about diets, so here is the direct link to her Gwynnie's Detox.
Telephone Diet
I'm calling this the "Telephone Diet" because I was thinking of ridiculous diets me and my girlfriends attempted while we were teenagers back in the 80s. Most of these diets were relayed by my friends to one another via telephone, you know we didn't have the Internet back in the stone ages. I've decided that is a good thing, because knowing me I would have had a Myspace page with dirty pictures of myself and/or ran off with an Internet predator.
My mother usually wrangled me into dieting along with her by bribing me with whatever item I as coveting at the time. Leather pants and a Louis Vuitton bag come to mind. "If you'd just lose 25 pounds ___you'd be perfect!" Funny thing is I look at those old photos, I was so not overweight and would kill to be as thin. Being a teenager I often didn't listen to my mother and instead did whatever my friends were doing.
Of all the bizzaro homemade diets my friends came up with, this I think this wins as the most unappetizing:
Breakfast -1 hot dog microwaved
Lunch - 2 hot dogs microwaved in baggie from home OR if hot dogs were on school lunch menu on school hot dog, no bun, no condiments. 7-11 roller hot dogs were ok as well.
Dinner 2 hot dogs microwaved or boiled
Drink - Diet Coke or Tab
Have you vomited yet? I love a good hot dog, but if I recall correctly, my friend Susan who came up with this cockamamie diet plan and myself didn't make it past one week. We said screw it and ended up with our own individual two liter bottles of Sun Country Wine Coolers and both ended up showering her parents lawn with tropical punch tinged hot dogs.
Other sad attempts of coming up with our own diet plans revolved around similar schemes of only eating one item-Cap't Crunch, Toast, and Rice Cakes.
Oh to be young and thin!
Sexy Diet
Since I've lost a lot of weight, not my goal yet, but enough that I am happy and confident enough to attract some hot men, I have discovered that I had been missing out on the best diet of them all-sex. A "fucking diet" if you will.
Nothing has toned my tush like the intense sex I have had of late.
Honestly, all I have to say is be an enthusiastic lover and you will discover your body will be more taut than ever before. Now I am speaking from a female perspective, so ladies, dont' just lie there, get your groove on.
Fries may go with that shake, but don't eat 'em!
Cutest Diet Ever - The Bento Diet
As it often happens when going on the Internet you end up far, far away from where you originally started. I forgot what exactly I was looking for, but I ended up at a Flickr pool of bento box photos. From there I found myself at the blog of a woman who is losing weight via bento boxes. She has moved to another blog since.
For those who are not aware of what a bento box is, here is a basic explaination from Wikipedia.
Her thinking is quite reasonable, the bento box allows her to keep her portion control in check. Not to mention the adorable boxes are fun to make and kids naturally enjoy eating them.
Now this is an easy diet, but definitely not one for the lazy as the true beauty of a bento box is not only variety of tastes, but visual appeal. The original blog has loads of tips and tricks how to prepare the boxes.
If you're interested, even if you're not dieting, check out the blog as she has some cool tips.
photo is from Hello Kitty Zone.
Crazy Is A Matter of Perspective - The Sardine Diet
Some foods are best eaten at home, alone, with nary a person around to come up behind you and say "P.U.!" or "Gross!"
Sardines are most definitely one of these foods.
I'm talking of the classic canned sardines lined up in a can covered with oil, mustard, or hot sauce. Perhaps enjoyed with some crackers or on some toasted buttered bread and a slice of raw onion, tossed with pasta. Or, as I had them the other night, mashed with some habenero sauce and spread on some wheat toast. Sure, there are sardines of a more refined quality, fresh out of the sea served as tapas,but for the purpose of this blog post, just think of your regular run of the mill canned fish.
Where does the "crazy" part come in. Well, being a food that either your love or abhor, all the haters will think you are absolutely insane for even thinking of going on the "Sardine Diet." Some will expect you to be stinky instead of skinny.
The book "Sardine Diet" touts a pretty healthy eating plan that revolves around harnessing the power of eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which do include some non-sardine items, lots of fiber, and the true way to ensure you drop some pounds, reduced calories.
Overall it seems like a semi-easy plan to follow, definitely not though, for the squeamish of palate.
So there is nothing "crazy" about this plan unless you have a thing against a much maligined little fish
The Black Book of Hollywood Diet Secrets
Being a celeb crazed, Hollywood gossip monger it is only natural I'm a total sucker for celebrity diet secrets. I can barely pass a tabloid with a "Stars Diet Secrets" headline. Sad, but hell, at least I admit it. While the majority of these so called tips are bullshit, I still read on.
Are you A Sucker? Eggplant Extract Diet
Posted by
Betty Badass
Labels: diet fraud, diet pills, eggplant diet, eggplant extract, fat foe, scam, weight loss drugs