" CRAZY DIETS: Sexy Diet


Sexy Diet

Since I've lost a lot of weight, not my goal yet, but enough that I am happy and confident enough to attract some hot men, I have discovered that I had been missing out on the best diet of them all-sex. A "fucking diet" if you will.

Nothing has toned my tush like the intense sex I have had of late.

Honestly, all I have to say is be an enthusiastic lover and you will discover your body will be more taut than ever before. Now I am speaking from a female perspective, so ladies, dont' just lie there, get your groove on.

Fries may go with that shake, but don't eat 'em!


Anonymous said...

You can burn up to 1000 calories if you are good.

Anonymous said...

Amen Clinton!

Anonymous said...

Must agree a good relationship that makes you sweat and shakes up the hormones is a great setup to loss some extra pounds. I would like to volunteer, it's been along time since I mixed up my hormones and had a good sweat.

But I wonder if it's more than that: Having your mind on something else besides food and/or having someone to be attractive for or with.

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