" CRAZY DIETS: Cucumber Water--A Refreshing Addition To Any Diet


Cucumber Water--A Refreshing Addition To Any Diet

This is not a "crazy diet" but it is a delicious way to perk up all the water that you will drink (and should drink anyway) while dieting. I'm bad about drinking lots of sodas, so this gets me to drink more water.

A few weeks ago I found myself buying some cucumber "flavored" water, which was a total rip-off once I realized I could make my own.

There are those who argue that tap water is just as good, if not better than bottled water. You decide what you'd like to use. Personally, I am a tap water drinker and recycle old water bottles. Whatever makes you happy is fine with me.

I highly recommend using unwaxed, fresh cucumbers that can be found at any farmer's market, vegetable stand, and possibly the organic aisle at your local store. You don't have to use an unwaxed cuke, but the fresh summertime cucumbers are much more flavorful.

This is the easiest recipe ever!

  1. For a water bottle, peel half a cucumber, slice lengthwise into a few pieces. Fill bottle up with water halfway, stick cukes into bottle, cover with more water. Stick it in the fridge, or as I like to do when it's hot out is freeze it and it will be cool as it melts when I take it to work, etc. The longer the water cools, the more flavor you will have.

  2. For a pitcher, just peel and slice one cucumber, cover with water and ice, chill and enjoy!

  3. Lastly, I would replace the cucumber daily regardless of pitcher or bottle.

This is so refreshing! Enjoy!


elysa said...

I have never heard of this, but I do love cucumbers I will certainly have to try it.

Anonymous said...

This is really cool & refreshing & just yummy!! Cucumber water was available at the Spa I went to...and I thought it was a simple way to spruce up water!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Why taken cucumber water soms litteral? I ljke toe spruce italiƫ up witheid a little lemon, orde some mint, depending ons myste mood.

Weight Loss Pictures said...

I eat cucumber a lot..it's like my daily diet..but dint know about this..thanks for sharing

pheromones said...

I liked your website and this was a great read. I love reading about dieting tips and information. thanks, Ariel-

Frank said...

I love Cucumbers. I do the same thing. Always have some cucumber water stored away.

Antoine said...

I totally agree that cucumbers are great and should also be added in a weekly diet plan as well.

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